Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Good News

Well I finally bought my scale and weighed in.  I'm so excited I have lost 20 lbs, and it's weird because I hadn't noticed but my clothes are all getting too big for me.  It's amazing, though now I'm even more dedicated to losing more.  The little i have eaten the last few days makes me feel like a cow.  Every time I think about eating I just think "god you heifer stop eating!"  I want to drop another forty pounds at least, but now I need to be extra careful because I don't want people catching on that would force me to eat.  I hope you all are experiencing great things with Ana as well.  Stay strong and remember that will-power and self-control are the two strongest weapons we have :)  No one can be as strong as we are, those who eat endless calories are weak.

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