Sunday, December 5, 2010


I have not been as good as i would like to be...but i'm still going strong.  I made myself a red bracelet to wear today so i can have something to remind me everywhere i go.  Also I got to talk to C for the first time on the phone over the weekend.  Things are going great, but he's so much hotter than me that I'm scared that he will stop being attracted to me or that is talking to more people than just me....after all people who have six packs and great looks don't lack for attention, but I also don't want to screw things up by moving too fast and scaring him off ugh.  I have been using him as my motivation to stay strong, so that I can become attractive, but it's hard.  I have started smoking again, though not sure how he feels about that.  I just hate whenever I eat anything I just feel so disgusting....i just need to stop putting things in my mouth that way i can avoid feeling so disgusting.  Also i have been playing like ass in volleyball, which is something I have always been good at and it bothers me so much.  It's the one place i've always gotten attention and now i seem to be fading out....i need to drop the weight so i can get higher and hitter harder and move faster.   Please help me stay strong!!!!


  1. We should keep each other strong! I am your latest follower. Add me and we will check on each other.

    The bracelet is a good idea. I should do that as well.

  2. Thanks I'm hoping the bracelet works...and ya it would be great to have someone check up on me....when I was so strong before it was because my best friend was here with me and she taught me how to do we kept each other that she's gone it's harder to stay as strong on my own....i'll def. be checking in on you :)

  3. Ok bien. :) I put a rubber band on my wrist on my left arm to remind me, so im taking a page out of your book. I was almost going to eat at the catered lunch that my work brought today but I had the rubber band and it kept me away. lol

  4. Thats so good to hear...i'm struggling right now...did my workout and now my stomach is def making it known it's wanting to betray me...ugh and i woke up today with a terrible headache from it all...but it's worth it...i just wish i didn't smoke to stop the cravings cause i hate smoking ugh...the bracelet has def. been helping me as well as having someone to talk to about it
