Monday, January 10, 2011

getting it together

Ok, so I got a good lift in today and I'm starting to get my mind back on track.  I just feel terrible because i have been eating grrr.  Just makes me feel like I'm failing at everything, I'm not even good at having ana in my life.  I will do one thing right and that is lose this disgusting weight and stop letting food control me.  I am so glad to have you all helping me with this.  I am trying to focus on all the money I'll be saving while I get thin and sexy, that way I can buy sexier clothes.  I just feel so gross, like when i eat others around me are thinking god fattie put the food down.  My friends say that I'm not fat, but there thinner than I am by far so I don't believe them.  They won't be helping in this at all.  My new  focus is to start everyday by thinking about not eating, and just take it one minute at a time.  I love when my stomach rumbles and I feel floaty cause I feel better that way.  The problem comes at night when my stomach and brain are saying how hungry I am, when I know I shouldn't be.  Anyone got some suggestions on how to stay strong all day long and string together no calorie days?


  1. i've never intentionaly done no cal days but when i was super good at restriction i usually found something to occupy my time, whether it's looking at thinspo, cleaning or something or other. hope it helps
    stay strong

  2. Drinking a lot of water, tea and 0cal diet sodas. If you drink a bunch it tricks your tummy into shutting up for awhile lol
    You should be careful about not fainting though, people tend to start getting pissy and trying to make you eat when that happens, doing liquid cal days (I suggest broth, 100% juices, and almond or lite soy milk) are a good idea. You'll also get sick sooner if you don't get some vitamins.
